Be in the seventh heaven = در آسمان هفتم سیر کردن
Walk on air = از خوشحالی پرواز کردن /بال درآوردن
Be tickled pink = قند تو دل کسی آب شدن
The teacher disheartened the children.
معلم تو دل بچه ها رو خالی کرد.
you scratch my back I scratch yours: supporting someone who supports you
:if you find yourself in a hole the first thing to do is stop digging
don't make situation worth as first
I'm busy as B: very busy
I'm sticks dog: im disappointing
Transparent lie: you cant never believe it
as easy as ABS: its piece of cake
speak Turkey: Speak directly what you want
before take a risk explore every street: you check every thing
Down to->Dependent on, Due to, the success is down to the new
Drop out->Give up normal education or work for an unconventional lifestyle
Dweeb->Fool, Stupid person
Fave-> abbreviation for favorite
Fink->Dishonest, Disloyal person
Flip->to react very emotionally or excitedly. When I heard the song, I just flipped
Hunk->masculine, attractive man
Into-> interested in: His into music
Laid back-> calm, relaxed
Legless-> drunk
The main man-> the most important person
Make over->complete transformation) of appearance, character, etc)
Mega-(prefix) extremely e.g mega_ Rich/famous/stare/store/star
Motor-mouth->someone who talks all the time
Name of the game-> the nature of business. The basic purpose or reason
Nerd-> foolish, boring person
Off ones trolly-> mad, crazy
Play it by ear-> make descion
Depending on what happens: our plans depend on the weather. Well play everything by ear
Reckon->think: I reckon it’ll rain soon
Role model-> an example to others
Seriously-> extremly, seriously rich, seriously drunk, seriously famous
Shoot the breeze-> chat
You have no optical but to go/continue
چاره ای جز رفتن نداری
He was refused employment
به او کار ندادند
Reduced to writing
به کاغذ آوردن
Reduced to poverty
به گدایی انداختن
Reduced to obedience
مطیع کردن
I don’t feel like working
حال کار کردن ندارم
I shall command and you shall obey
من فرمان می دهم و شما اطاعت خواهید کرد
Back off->>got to the hell->>go away
Up in the air->> not deciding yet, not clear
Leave s.b high and dry->> leaving s.b without clear situation
Burn the midnight oil->> reading late at night
~~~<<-Burn the candle both end
~~~<<-Burn out
Obsess with->> fill someone mind that can’t think about anything
In the 7th heaven->> Idiom for happiness
On cloud nine->> Idiom for happiness
Have another helping->> to invite someone to eat
Help yourself
Its changed out of all recognition->>Tell your friend how much your hometown has changed
A leopard doesn’t change spot->> Say that people basically don’t change character
You can’t teach an old Dog new trick->> Say that people basically don’t change character
I want to make a clean break->> want to leave and start again somewhere else
Likely to happen->> Companies don’t see any improvement on the horizon
Old habits die hard->> Companies don’t see any improvement on the horizon
Our path didn’t cross till last month->> two people path cross they meet usually unexpectedly
I’m in Hug heaven->> I’m very happy
I was going to go on the rollercoaster but I chickened out->> I lost my encourage
You would both stop horsing around me and help me->> We have a lot of work to do->> Full around
Cosmetic surgery->>plastic surgery
Wait up->>Wait 4 me
Shift the position->> come here
Grand nanny->> her is so cute
You are so behind->> U R so stupid
Thoughtless->> never mind
Don’t beat around the bush->> Direct and frank speak. (Speak turkey)
To break the ice->> to start speaking or to start new activity.
Keep s.b in dark->> don’t tell my secret to anyone.
I got soaked to my skin under hard rain->> I become completely wet under the rain fall.
Its so kind of you->> U R so kind to me.
I cross my finger 4 you->> I cross my finger and hop to die.
feeling butterfly on Ur stomach->> feeling nervous.
Gloss over the topic->> duck the issue ->> avoid a case of topic
You let me down
Turning point->> the tome that is important
Always a catch->> There are always a difficulty in doing
Out of trips->> Running out of information
Putting s.b behind the bars->>
Make a buy->> buy
Toll free->> you don’t need to pay
She is such copycat->> someone who imitates
Its fun more than a barrel monkeys->> its extremely funny
John is such a party animal->> someone who loves to go the party
When I told my mom that I couldn’t come for the holidays she had a cow->> Got extremely upset
How did U remember her name->> you should have the memory like an elephant->> have e exceptional memory
Dog eat dog->> a situation full of fierce competition
She/he is a breath of fresh air->> describing the effect of the new person out work
You scratch my back I scratch yours->> supporting someone who support U
Came along->> come true->>try more happened
Came about->>Happened
She is come to pass->> happen together->> how this 2 thing come to pass
Not in a thousand years->>it doesn’t have any solution?
Black and white->>Spoken & written
I’ll eat my heart->> very upset, nervous, sorry
making a statement->> to speak up your mind to tell whatever you belief
Pen friend->> the friend that write 4 each other
To let yourself go->> to be indifferent to clothes and appreance
Are you game ->> are U ready
You are well deserved of reward
Are U through->> Did U FINISHED
Are U Game->> Are U READY
Get close to us
Being tired already
Sorry 4 French
When elephant Fly->> never and ever
When the hell freeze->> never and ever
He is greeting on in year->> old person
Give me ride->> Drive me to my home
To keep s.b busy
I haven’t got around to it->> I don’t have enough time to do it
You owe me one
Aim an old timer of myselfPoll ones leg->> make fun of s.b
desy daisy->> drunk, felling drunk
Its ring able->> his name is really familiar to me
Close friends in English->> Mates
Close friends in U.S->> Buddies
dressed to teeth->> being ready to sleep
Bend over backward->> a person who is proud
Dutch the do do->> share the price of
Dutch party->> share the price of
Sell s.b down the river->>
chop and change->> change your idea
Lemon ->> stupid person
Get up on the wrong side of the bed->> to be nervous> to raise s.b from the bed
Talk of the devil->> talking about somebody that in not present there
Candle the rigid->> ceremony for dead person
Shake leg->> hurry-up
Around ticket->> 2 travel ticket (2 way ticket)
One way ticket->> one way ticket
God hill->> God bless U
Speak Turkey->> Speak frankly
Before u takes a risk explore every avenue->> before start check everything
That’s a cringe need->> u really need
Its apple of my eye->> her is my dear student/friend
I have my doubt->> more than I’m not sure
Transparent lie->> you cannot believe
As easy as A.B.C->> its piece of cake
She’s as fair as a rose->> like a flower
I’m busy as B->> Very Busy
As fit as fiddle->> Very happy &ready to do every thing