
سلام یه دوستی از من خواستند که منابع کنکور ارشد رو بهشون معرفی کنم...

والا تا اونجایی که یادمه و من امتحان دادم و اون منابع و برای امتحان ارشد خوندم از کتابای پوران پژوهش آزمون سازی بود و یک کتاب به اسم meaning based translationو کتاب دیگه ای به اسم روش آموزش زبان انگلیسی

به من این منابع و برای امتحان ارشد معرفی کردند

How To Learn Idioms and Speak Like a Native

How To Learn Idioms and Speak Like a Native

What's Up?  I hope you are having a good day today.

When I meet my friends, that's what I say:  "What's Up?" 

Of course, this phrase means "Hello, how are you?"

"What's Up" is an idiom.  An idiom is a phrase that has a different meaning than the words in it.  You cannot understand an idiom by knowing each word in it.  You must understand it as a whole-- as a phrase.

Native speakers use hundreds of idioms everyday.  We don't even think about it.  

To understand a native speaker, you absolutely MUST learn idioms.

**How Will You Learn Idioms?

Unfortunately, you don't learn idioms from textbooks or schools. But you can learn them.

To start, buy a Dictionary of American Idioms. Use it to understand idioms you hear in movies and conversations.  Keep these new idioms in a notebook, and review them quickly everyday. 

Movies are great for learning idioms.  In fact, many of our most common idioms come from movies.

You'll also learn idioms from REAL conversations between native speakers.   Try to record two native speakers talking to each other.  Then use the recording to learn idioms.
You can even get lessons that use real conversations between native speakers, such as those made by my friends Kristin and Joe at Learn Real English:

Finally, be patient.  It takes time to learn idioms, but you can do it. 

You then speak and understand the real English that is used by native speakers.

Good luck,

A.J. Hoge
Effortless English

The Original Effortless English Lessons
These are the best lessons to begin with.  Learn to speak English quickly, easily and automatically:
2. The VIP Program
This special program is a great addition to any of my lessons.  Learn to speak Confidently, be more Successful, and become a true Global Leader.  Try it for just $1:
3. Learn Real English
This lesson pack teaches you casual English, slang and idioms.   Learn the real English we use with friends and family.   These lessons include my friends Kristin and Joe:
4. Success Business English
Learn new business and new business English.  Not a normal business English course, but rather a course for small business people and online business.


source: www.garden.blogsky.com

انگلیسی تکنیکهای موفقیت در مصاحبه های بازرگانی انگلیسی

تکنیکهای موفقیت در مصاحبه های بازرگانی انگلیسی


You've written a great CV and covering letter, and the company has asked you to attend an interview. You need to make sure that you make the right impression to get the job! Here are ten top tips to help you succeed at the interview



یه مبحث دیگه که راجع به لهجه می باشد:


American Sound

Regular Spelling

Kwee geddit?

Can we get it?


Let's go!

No, joo?

Did you eat?
No, did you?

Jläik smore?

Would you like some more?

I shüda tol joo.

I should have told you.

Ledder gedda bedder wädr heedr.

Let her get a better water heater.

How to wreck a nice beach.

How to recognize speech.

Hole däna sek'nt!

Hold on a second!

Hæoja ly kuh liddul more?

How would you like a little more?

They doe neev'n lye kit.

They don't even like it.

به لینکهای زیر بروید :






از وبلاگEnglish Learning

نمونه سوالات آزمون کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی انگلیسی

نمونه سوالات آزمون کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی انگلیسی

نمونه سوالات آزمون کارشناسی ارشد مترجمی انگلیسی

1. Which choice means" to bend under weight"?

a. sag               b. sack             c. slog              d. sough

2. Which choice means" wise person"?

a. soot              b. sage             c. soggy                        d. snoop  

3. Which choice means" follower of a less popular religion"?

a. pagan           b. infidel           c. heathen                     d. atheist          

4. Which choice means" relevant"?

a. germinate      b. germane       c. gormandize               d. gormless

5. Which choice means" showing very good manners or great social sophistication"?

a. coterie          b. coup de main            c. courtesan      d. couth

6. Which choice means" support or agreement that does not appear to be sincere because the words spoken are not followed up by appropriate action or behavior "?

a. lip trick         b. lip service                 c. lip gloss                    d. lip microphone



1.a   2.b      3.a      4. a      5.d       6.





Select the underlined word or phrase that is not acceptable in standard written English.


  1. In a corporation whose stock is private owned, the board of directors is elected  by the stockholders.
  2. Computers and other office equipment, which are  being used  more and more by businesses, either can be purchased or leased.
  3. In order so that one can develop good merchandising skills, one needs to have experience in buying and selling.
  4. The host suggested that, although it is getting late, everyone remain for another cup of coffee.
  5. Mrs. Block is one of the women who, I believe, is running   for office  in this district

1.b privately  2.d can be either  3.a   4.b was getting 5.b are running
















واژه شناسی









ترجمه   متون























































بر رسی مقابله ای ساخت جمله









ادبیات فارسی









اصول مبانی نظری ترجمه





















مطالبی که در ذیل مشاهده می فرمایید گزیده ای از مجله دانشجویان فوق لیسانس دانشگاه آزاد واحد علوم و

تحقیقات تهران میباشد. مجله مذکور به تلاش دانشجویان  

جدول فوق به تلاش آقای سید حسین حیدریان مدرس دانشگاه آزاد واحد رودهن تهیه شده است. این جدول تعداد سئوالات تخصصی کنکور ورودی رشته فوق لیسانس مترجمی زبان انگلیسی دانشگاه آزاد و سراسری را به ما نشان می دهد.


__نمونه سئوالات دانشگاه سراسری سال 85 مبانی نظری ترجمه

241. Translators seek to ………… .

1) express one world in terms of another

2) domesticate otherwise foreign texts

3) find equivalent forms for L1 lexical items

4) show that man’s experiences are translatable

242. Recording, in translation, refers to ………… .

1) expression plane transfer

2) content plane transfer

3) content plane transfer transposition

4) expression plane transposition

243. The grammatical categories that best reflect conative

1) the imperative and locative forms

2) the passive and circumlocutory forms

3) the vocative and imperative forms

4) the exhortative and conative forms

245. The translatability/untranslatability concept is ………… .

1) a key concept in applied translation studies

2) no longer very important after Jakobson’s works

3) the core concept of linguistics

4) the core concept of semantics

246. Code-switching refers to ………… .

1) an expressive mode used by some artists and poets

2) a typical disorder of multilingual children

3) a typical disorder of multilingual individuals

4) a typical disorder of aphasic children

247. The term context is ………… .

1) an aspect of the text particularly important for the language student

2) the cultural, historical, and geographical setting of an utterance

3) the co-text of a given utterance

4) the same as co-text, according to the terminology of some translation studies schools

248. According to Dryden, a word-by-word translation is a (an) ………… .

1) adaptation

2) imitation

3) metaphrase

4) paraphrase

249. Which one of the following is an example of intralingual translation as discussed by


1) Reproducing in the SL.

2) Rewording in the SL.

3) Rephrasing in the TL.

4) Recreating in the SL.

250. In Catford’s words, translation shifts are ………… .

1) lexical in mismatches

2) grammatical mismatches

3) changes in the meaning of the ST

4) departures from formal correspondence

251. Recent MT programs are ………… .

1) knowledge-based and transfer-based

2) example-based and statistics-based

3) based on matching, recognition, and output

4) based on analysis, transfer, and restructuring

252. When you learn foreign languages, translation is ………… .

1) not included in the program

2) limited to exercises in the use of foreign language

3) replaced by version

4) a didactic tool

253. Multilingual MT systems tend to use ………… .

1) limited input

2) an interlingua

3) bi-directional programs

4) an abstract representation

254. In Vinay and Darbelnet’s model, calque is a procedure in ………… .

1) literal translation

2) free translation

3) direct translation

4) oblique translation

255. Which one of the following questions is addressed by the cultural approaches to

translation and translation studies?

1) What do translations do?

2) How can translations be compared?

3) What is equivalence in translation?

4) What are the mental processes of translating?

256. What distinction does Levy make between translation theory and practice?

1) Translation theory is abstract, but translation practice is actual.

2) Translation theory is instructive, but translation practice is applied.

3) Translation theory tends to be normative, but translation practice is pragmatic.

4) Translation theory is rank-bound, but translation practice is rank free.

257. What are the major sources of difficulty for interpreters?

1) Fluency

2) Register and unit

3) Tone

4) Speed and memory

258. Which of the following is an example of vocative texts?

1) A drama

2) A scientific report

3) Popular literature

4) An autobiography

259. Think-aloud protocols are used to investigate the ………… of translation.

1) function

2) interpretation

3) medium

4) process

260. The equivalence of two linguistic signs ………… .

1) is possible in only interlingual translation

2) is possible only in intralingual translation through the use of synonyms

3) does not exist

4) is what allows translation

261. In Dryden’s words, metaphor needs ………… .

1) adaptation

2) imitation

3) literal translation

4) rewording

262. What are kernel level sentences in Nida’s theory?

1) Basic deep-structure sentences.

2) Transformed surface-structure sentences.

3) Basic statements and simple surface-structure sentences.

4) Back-transformed, simple, active, declarative sentences.

263. A pragmatic equivalent is oriented toward the ………… .

1) message

2) reader

3) writer

4) text

264. According to Catford, in a partial translation ………… .

1) some words are left untranslated

2) some parts of the ST are omitted

3) words are translated at corresponding levels

4) the TL material replaces only some parts of the SL material

265. Translators performing under different conditions often adopt differing strategies

and ultimately come up with different ………… .

1) evaluations

2) hypotheses

3) products

4) theories

85 دانشگاه آزاد  مبانی نظری ترجمه

101. Within jakobson’s approach, cross-linguistic differences occur at the levels of

………… .

1) form, meaning, syntax

2) aspect, gender, semantic fields

3) features of meaning, lexical mismatches

4) poetics, stylistics

102. “Naturalness” is considered a characteristic of ………… translation.

1) unduly free

2) modified literal

3) idiomatic

4) equivalent-response

103. In the structural approaches, translation is defined as ………… .

1) a change of meaning

2) reproduction of message

3) reproduction of content

4) a change of form

104. What is the semantic label for the word “repetition”?

1) event

2) noun

3) object

4) verb

105. According to polysystem theory, when is translated literature peripheral?

1) when it includes a variety of genres in literature

2) when it is smaller in volume than non-translated literature

3) when it is marginalized

4) when it is canonized

106. In the history of translation studies, the 18th century is known to be more …………

whereas the 19th century is known to be more ………… .

1) linguistics-oriented, literature oriented

2) philology-oriented, linguistics-oriented

3) data-oriented, theory-oriented

4) literature-oriented, science-oriented

107. In the twentieth century, accuracy became more important than ………… .

1) style

2) fidelity

3) literalness

4) naturalness

108. In what ways is the Spanish-English translation of a novel by Marquez restricted,

according to Holme’s map?

1) rank-restricted, area-restricted, text type-restricted.

2) problem-restricted, time restricted, text type-restricted.

3) text type-restricted, medium restricted, problem-restricted.

4) area-restricted, text type-restricted, time-restricted.

109. According to Larson, a borrowed word is ………… into the receptor language,

whereas a loan word is ………… to the TT receptors.

1) transferred, known

2) assimilated, new

3) integrated, unfamiliar

4) transposed, unidentified

110. Larson’s approach to translation studies is ………… .

1) semiotic

2) descriptive

3) structural and prescriptive

4) post-structural and transformational

111. The Relevance Theory was mediated into translation studies by ………… .

1) Sperber and Wilson

2) Gutt

3) Hermans

4) Hatim and Mason

112. According to Larson, a modified literal translation ………… .

1) changes the grammatical forms when constructions are obligatory.

2) adds extraneous information to the source text.

3) is rank-bound at the level of word

4) reproduces the patterns of the source language

114. The Manipulation Scholl considers translation a ………… .

1) paraphrase

2) rewriting

3) recoding

4) reproduction

115. The skopos theory was introduced by ………… .

1) Nord

2) Bassnett and Lefever

3) Blum Kulka

4) Verneer and Reiss

116. Toury’s approach to translation is ………… .

1) post-structural

2) analytical

3) hermeneutic

4) normative

117. Which of the following concepts corresponds to the concept of “the invariant core

of meaning”?

1) propositional meaning

2) functional meaning

3) literal meaning

4) connotative meaning

118. Which theory of translation is known to be behavioristic and mathematical?

1) Steiner’s

2) Kade’s

3) Catford’s

4) Neubert’s

119. Cultural approaches to translation reject the concept of ………… .

1) historical differences.

2) translation universals.

3) linguistic similarities

4) power relations.

120. Herman believes that ………… .

1) all translations contain manipulation.

2) translation is paraphrasing.

3) translation is a linguistic activity.

4) translation is distortion.

121. Popovic believes that the difference between the various target versions of a single

source text concerns ………… .

1) the variant parts

2) the core

3) the periphery

4) the meaning


خداوند در زبان انگلیسی

The All-knowing


The Supreme Being

خداوندتبارک وتعالی



Lord bless us

خداازسرتقصیرات مابگذرد



 God willing

اگرخدا بخواهد

God forbid

خدا نکند

God bless you

خدا تورا برکت بدهد، خداعمرت بده

God bless your heart

خدا خیرت دهد

I wish to God that

خداکند که

God damn you

خدالعنتت کند

God damn him

 خدا لعنتش کند

God help you

خدابه دادت برسد،خدابهت رحم کند

May God help him

 خدابه دادش برسد

That’ll be the day

ای خدا چنین روزی می رسد

You never know

 خداراچه دیدی

Who knows

 خدا راچه دیدی؟

Some luck

 خدا شانس بدهد

As God is my witness / judge…

خداوکیلی،خدا به سرشاهداست که

Thanks God = Praise be to God

 خدا را شکر

 God rest his soul = May God forgive him = May God bless him
خدا بیامرزدش

When one door shuts another opens

خدا گر زحکمت ببندد دری / زرحمت گشاید در دیگری

Live and let live

خدارابرآن بنده بخشایش است / که خلق ازوجودش درآسایش است

The mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceeding small
چوب خدا صدا نداره / هرکی بخوره دوا نداره

One God, one sweetheart

خدایکی، یار یکی

One God, one spouse

 خدا یکی، خانه یکی، یار یکی

A door must either be shut or open = You can not eat your cake and have it!

هم خدا را می خواهی، هم خرما را؟

It takes all sorts to make a world

خداوند همه را یک جورخلق نکرده است

God sends a curst cow short horns = If the cat wings she’d choke all the birds in the air  


خدا خر را شناخت شاخش نداد 

Whom God loves die young

خداوند گلچین می کند

از وبلاگEnglish Learning

Sample Resume - Public Relations / Marketing

Sample Resume - Public Relations / Marketing

111 West 74th Street • New York, New York 10000
212.777.8888 • 111.111.222 mobile • mercurynyc@hotmail.com

Career Statement:  Resourceful leader adept at implementing high-profile, image-based marketing programs within consumer luxury/lifestyle industry, both public/private. Create integrated strategies to develop new/existing customer sales, brand/product evolution and media endorsement. Strong and persuasive interpersonal skills.

Independent Consulting, New York
10/2005 - present
Marketing & brand awareness. American Express Platinum; Nardi-Venezia; and art • architecture • cultural projects.

TIFFANY & CO., New York, NY
9/1997 - 9/2005
Director of Public Relations / Retail Marketing
Lead marketing strategist for 55 retail branch stores and 16 trade doors in the United States, Canada and Latin America (60% of revenue). Reporting to SVP who reports to CEO, develop integrated approach to increase sales results, product awareness and brand image. Key foci include: maximize sales growth and cohesion of the Tiffany Register top-customer tier; develop new and existing core-customer bases; secure targeted media endorsement; devise new store openings and brand integration within local community groups comprising best potential revenue bases; and creation/management of annual business-building sales promotion program (10 themes/76+ locations).

  -   Generate successful emphasis of core-profit, new collection and authority-position jewelry categories, i.e.:
  -   Oversee ‘What Makes a Tiffany Diamond’ workshop-selling seminars, demonstrating value with exclusivity.
  -   Launched new Tiffany Mark timepiece with iconic endorsements including Frank Gehry and George Lucas.
  -   Invented new ‘Elsa Peretti’ designer promotion, using core collection in all stores, and generated record sales.
  -   Pioneer “Tiffany-Only” regional lifestyle weekends for Tiffany Register customers, resulting in 37% growth in statement jewelry sales. Conceived first national program resulting in largest selling event ever. Devise compelling “Tiffany-Only” attractions which secure presence of most profitable customers.
  -   Analyze regular corporate retail sales reports and tailor each local marketing profit-plan with retail leadership.
  -   Programs increased average store traffic 21% and sales averaging 12%, contributing to unprecedented growth.
  -   Create 33 integrated and multi-tiered new store opening programs in domestic & international locations.
  -   Direct and manage 4 internal staff and network of 30 external local-market agencies/consultants.

TAG HEUER S.A., Neuchâtel, Switzerland and Paris, France
1996 - 97
International Public Relations Manager (recruited by CEO)

During peak expansion of watch brand and imminent IPO, managed global brand positioning, communications and media strategy via network of 20+ national PR agencies. Consulted to leadership of worldwide subsidiaries and agents-distributors in the Americas, Europe, Asia-Pacific and Middle East. Marketing drew 24% of annual budget.

    Developed global strategy for 4 new timepiece collection launches and key sports sponsorship exploitation.
    Responsible for Kirium watch PR launch--largest in brand history, which generated record sales.
    Developed/managed international VIP retailer and media hospitalities focused to increase sales and underscore brand values: Formula 1 Grand Prix, America’s Cup yachting, Ski World Cup and Montreux Jazz Festival.

1994 - 96
Account Director

Primarily responsible for TAG Heuer account at marketing firm specializing in image-based luxury/lifestyle brands, including Montblanc, Bulgari, Rothschild and Krug. Developed and implemented comprehensive strategies [public relations, advertising, special events, sales promotions and retail relations]. Created agency new-business pitches.

Account Executive,  1993 - 94

Account Assistant, 1991 - 92

Supervisor of Guest Services, 1988 - 93

UNITED STATES SENATE Senator John Kerry Washington, DC
Manager, Constituent Affairs, 1986 - 87

    UNIVERSITY OF MASSACHUSETTS, Amherst – B.A. in Political Science
    Executive Business Programs: Stanford 2000 - Harvard 2002 - Wharton 2003


    Young Friends of Save Venice, Inc., Vice President [a UNESCO organization preserving culture].
    The Glasshouse, Director. A global alliance dedicated to entrepreneurial inspiration


Importance of English in International Business

Importance of English in International Business

While English is not the most widely spoken language in the world when you look at it in terms of the number of native speakers, it is the world's most prominent language. While a larger number of people speak Chinese, that language is largely confined to China

English on the other hand, is spoken around the world. It has been estimated that out of the roughly 6 billion people that are alive today about 350 million speak English. When you look at the importance of English for International Business, you must look at more than just the number of people who speak it. You must also look at what the language is used for.

English is the ideal language for many governments around the world, and it is also prominent in business, education, world news, and communication. In addition to this, Western pop culture is also carried to foreign countries in the form of music or movies. If you wish to be successful in International business, learning English is incredibly important. In many places such as Asia, Africa, and South America, the ability to learn English will determine who will increase their living standards, and who will remain in poverty. There are a number of powerful tools that have allowed more people to learn English than ever before. One of these tools is the Internet

The Power of the Internet in Spreading English

Before the Internet, it was hard for you to learn English if you didn't attend a college or university. These were the only institutions where the language was widely spoken. If you lived in a community so poor that it didn't have a college or university, your chances of ever learning English were remote. While many people still live in these circumstances today, the Internet has allowed the English language to spread around the word. Because the Internet was invented in the West, English was inherently built into it. Because Internet usage has expanded throughout the world, more people are being exposed to English.

The advent of online universities has now made it possible for more people to learn English, people who may live in countries where access to standard education facilities is limited. While it may have been impossible for these people to learn English in the past, the Internet has opened up new career opportunities. These people are now able to learn English, and they can use their English skills to get better paying jobs at home, or they can use them to find jobs overseas. In any event, the Internet has played a powerful role in allowing English to spread across the world, and the number of people learning it is likely to increase in the future

The Importance of English for Business

Many companies have discovered early in the 21st century that they can cut their costs of production by sending their jobs overseas. The proper term for this is outsourcing, or offshoring. Some companies have also found that they can cut costs by bringing immigrants into the country on work visas. The employees will work for the company for a given period of time, and once their visa has expired, they can return home. For someone living in a country where English is not the native language, they will need to master this language if they wish to travel to the United States to find a high paying job.

While many people in English speaking countries complain about the impact of outsourcing, it presents lucrative opportunities for people living in foreign countries. Learning how to speak English can allow you to travel to a Western country, work there for a few months, make more money than you would make at home, and then bring the money back home to your family. This is a practice that many people use, and it is factors such as outsourcing which have allowed them to do it. As you can see, learning how to speak English opened up a large number of doors, doors that would normally be closed


In many countries where English is not the native language, you are considered highly educated if you can speak the language properly. You will be presented with a number of career opportunities, and you will have the option of staying home to work, or you could travel abroad. When you learn how to speak English, the opportunities are limitless

how to write a resume

Knowing how to write a resume is a critical skill for surviving and thriving in today's job market. Your resume is the first impression you give to a potential employer. It can help you land an interview or may lead to new job opportunities. Whether you are actively seeking a new job, or just want to refresh your existing resume, this page will guide you through the step needed to make your resume stand out from the crowd.

Whether you want to advance in your chosen field or you're making a drastic career change, a resume is a job search necessity. It provides an overview of your experience and skills, and a great resume can help you make it passed the screening cut and on to the interview round for a new job. Spending the time to perfect your resume is an investment in your future.

Resumes can be formatted in different ways, but it must accurately reflect your qualifications and job experiences. Generally, resumes should be kept to around one page, as information over a page is often ignored. Consider creating a standard resume that you can tweak according to the job descriptions regarding jobs you would like to obtain. Customization can help you land a job because you demonstration that you are a "good fit" for the business and position


How to Write a Resume

This video is hosted by Brad Bucklin of CareerPro Resumes and Video Symphony. He advises in the video on how to write a resume. He reviews each resume section in detail including contact information, objective statement, qualifications, job history, education, and achievements This is part of a wider series on Mahalo about interviews, resumes and employment

How-to Guides: Resume and Cover Letter

 -   Be Honest
   1     It is better to address any gaps in employment than to try to hide them.
   2     Lying on your resume may get you into an interview, but you still have to go through a background and reference check to land the job.
   3     If you state you can perform a task or operate a program you don't know, your lie eventually be exposed.

 -   Be Professional
   1     If your email address is funny but unprofessional, it may turn off potential employers.
    2    If necessary, create a new email address solely for resumes (and don't forget to check it for responses!).

 -   Be Concise
    1    Write out everything you want to include on your resume. You can trim it down to one page later.
            Note: If you have over 10 years of work experience, that is important and needs to be included, a resume of two pages is acceptable.
     2   Use easy-to-read fonts and a clear design] to make your resume more appealing
Step 1: Before You Write Your Resume
    Before you begin constructing a resume, take the time to think about your experience and what type of job you're looking for.
        If you're re-entering the workforce, you may pick a different format than someone who's been working continuously.
        A recent college graduate will focus more on educational background than an experienced worker.
        If you're changing careers, you may opt for a different format than someone who is remaining in his current field.
    Take a look at some sample resumes online. Boston College, the Wall Street Journal, Vault.com, and the University of Florida have some good examples.

Do Research in Your Industry

    The type of job you're applying for will should influence the type of resume you write.
    Determine if there's a style of resume often used in your desired field, consider using it yourself.
    Look at sample resumes from other people in your industry. Is there a section or format they're using? You might want to include it too!


Step 2: Use these Resume Writing Tips

    Be Honest
        It is better to address any gaps in employment than to try to hide them.
        Lying on your resume may get you into an interview, but you still have to go through a background and reference check to land the job.
        If you state you can perform a task or operate a program you don't know, your lie eventually be exposed.

    Be Professional
        If your email address is funny but unprofessional, it may turn off potential employers.8
        If necessary, create a new email address solely for resumes (and don't forget to check it for responses!).

    Be Concise
        Write out everything you want to include on your resume. You can trim it down to one page later.
            Note: If you have over 10 years of work experience, that is important and needs to be included, a resume of two pages is acceptable.
        Use easy-to-read fonts and a clear design] to make your resume more appealing.

Step 3: Write Your Resume's Objective Statement

    An objective statement is the first thing listed after your personal information.
    The objective statement is a sentence or two that sums up your current career goals.
    An objective statement is not always a resume necessity, but it can be a beneficial summary of what you're looking for in a position.
    If you're starting your resume from scratch, write your objective statement first. This can help you decide what information to highlight on your resume, even if you ultimately decide not to include an objective statement.
    Do not write a generic objective statement as it is likely to turn off a prospective employer.
        Example: My goal is to get a rewarding job that pays well.
    Your objective statement should relate to the job for which you are applying.
        Example: An experienced public relations consultant, I now seek a position as an account manager where I can utilize my management skills.
    Target your statement to the position. This is the first information on the page after your name and address, and it should make the case for you being the perfect person for the job!

Step 4: Choose a Resume Style

    There are several types of resumes:
    You want to think about your situation and create the best resume for your experience and desired job.
    Most recruiters want your resume to show your career progression.
 Therefore, chronological or combination resumes (resumes that list your work history in chronological order, starting with your most recent job) are the most common types.
    If you have no work history or have worked multiple jobs over a short period of time, an unconventional format may present your talents and abilities in a better light.
    Pick the the type of resume that is best suited to your work history and your goals.
    If you're unsure what type fits best, try writing your resume in two or more formats, then ask for feedback from friends or relatives. An objective eye may tell you which format is best for you!
    Most resumes should fit on one page. However, if the information is truly important and necessary, two pages is acceptable.
        If you have less than 10 years' work experience, you should only need a one page resume.
        It is better to go onto a second page than to leave out important information.
        Do not go onto a second page for unimportant information, like personal hobbies, out-of-date skills and achievements from over 10 years ago.
Chronological Resumes

    This is the most common type of resume.
    It lists your work and educational history in reverse chronological order.
    The general layout is as follows:
        Header with personal information (Name, Address, Phone numbers, Email).
        Objective statement (if included).
        Career and skills summary (if included).
        Reverse chronological career listings (include employer names and locations).
        Educational background (School name, location and your GPA).
            -Recent graduates may place education ahead of their career listings.
    List what you achieved in different positions, not what your job responsibilities were.
    Quantify your on-the-job accomplishments.
        Instead of writing that you improved customer relations, state that customer satisfaction increased 40% while you were in charge.
        Explain the size of the company you worked for, the number of people you supervised, and the size of any budgets you managed.
    Condense unimportant information. There is no need to list every job you've had since college. You can include a quick summary of those early positions in a section labeled "early career."
        If you were recognized or honored for work you accomplished, include it if it is relevant to the job you want to obtain.
    If you've been in the workforce for several years, your educational background becomes less important. Trimming this section to the basics will leave more room for more recent information.
Skills Resumes

    Skills resumes allow you to group your work history by skills, not by dates or places of employment.
    This form of resume allows you to highlight the skills you think are most important as you can present your most relevant experience first, rather than your most recent position.
    This resume style can be particularly useful for someone who is re-entering the workforce, or entering the workforce for the first time, and does not have recent work experience.
    It is also well-suited for career changes, as you can list skills relevant to the job you want to obtain.
    Write a clear objective statement that ties your skills to the job you seek.
    Include a career summary that explains why you are changing careers or re-entering the workforce.
    The general layout is as follows:
        Header with personal information (Name, Address, Phone numbers, Email).
        Objective statement.
        Career summary.
        Skills groupings.
        List of places of employment (include employer names, locations, and dates of employment).
        Educational background (School name, location and your GPA).
            (Recent graduates may place education ahead of their skill groupings).

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