Happy New Year
Hope happiness, wealthiness, shines, brightness, loveliest, and the most precious time in this new year till the end of the day
This time since there was no one to help him out; the son was forced to go to the market in search of work. One of the shopkeepers there told him that he would pay him two rupee if he carries his trunk to his house. The rich mans son could not refuse and was drenched in sweat by the time he finished the job. His feet were aching. There were rashes on his back. As he retrained home and produced the two rupee note before his father and was asked to throw it into the well, the horrified son almost cries out. He could not imagine throwing his hard-earned money like this. He said aimed sobbing: father! My entire body is aching. My back has rashes and you are asking to throw the money in the well. At this the businessman smiled. He told him that one fells the pain only him that fruits of hard labor are wasted. On earlier two occasions he was helped by his mother and sister and therefore had no pain in throwing the coins into the well. The son had now realized the value of hard work. He vowed never to be lazy and safe keep the father’s wealth. The father hundred over the keys of his shop to the son and promised to guide him through the rest of the life.
Source: Teenager magazine February 2011 vol:8 issues:63
Achievement is largely the products of steadily raising ones levels of aspiration and expectation. Jack Nilaus
If you do not think about the future, you cannont have one. John Galsworth
Today’s opportunities erase yesterday’s failures. Gene Brown
The pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. Winston Churchill
True success is not necessarily about being the best at all cost. It’s about doing your best at all times. If you do that long enough, who knows, you might just end up being the best. Tope Popoola
The real quality of our life is not determined by what we have won from it, but by what we have discovered within it. Guy Finely
Do let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. John Wooden
We should all learn how to Live Like Shakespeare , Because
Shakespeare said
I always feel happy, You know why
Because I don't expect anything from anyone
Expectations always hurt.. Life is short.. So
love your life.. Be happy.. And Keep
smiling.. Just Live for yourself and
Before you speak »Listen
Before you write »Think
Before you spend »Earn
Before you pray »Forgive
Before you hurt »Feel
Before you hate »Love
Before you quit »Try
Before you die »Live
That's Life...Feel it, Live it & Enjoy it,