Down to->Dependent on, Due to, the success is down to the new
Drop out->Give up normal education or work for an unconventional lifestyle
Dweeb->Fool, Stupid person
Fave-> abbreviation for favorite
Fink->Dishonest, Disloyal person
Flip->to react very emotionally or excitedly. When I heard the song, I just flipped
Hunk->masculine, attractive man
Into-> interested in: His into music
Laid back-> calm, relaxed
Legless-> drunk
The main man-> the most important person
Make over->complete transformation) of appearance, character, etc)
Mega-(prefix) extremely e.g mega_ Rich/famous/stare/store/star
Motor-mouth->someone who talks all the time
Name of the game-> the nature of business. The basic purpose or reason
Nerd-> foolish, boring person
Off ones trolly-> mad, crazy
Play it by ear-> make descion
Depending on what happens: our plans depend on the weather. Well play everything by ear
Reckon->think: I reckon it’ll rain soon
Role model-> an example to others
Seriously-> extremly, seriously rich, seriously drunk, seriously famous
Shoot the breeze-> chat
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